
I’ve done some cleaning up here, privatizing many old poems that had no likes and no attention. I’m considering releasing a book of poetry, but if I do that, I’ll be rewriting and reworking my existing poetry anyway. Anything here with comments and likes I left public.

Now that I’ve released my first novel, and I’m soon to be releasing my second, I’m approaching my writing shares differently. I’ve never drawn too much of a crowd here, so I think I’m in a good position to change things up. I appreciate all of my followers and those who have liked and supported my work here. I hope you’ll be interested in my novels and future works as well. I won’t be posting here much, so if you would like to keep up with me please visit my website: kmtaylorauthor.com for the latest. There you can also find links to my other social accounts and I’d love to see you there!

Wishing you all the best, KM Taylor

A Novel ITW

A new novel is in the works, inspired by many of my poems here, as well as drawing from both personal experiences as well as ideas I’ve been playing with for a very long time. It will likely take me a quite a while to write this story and as I write it, I’m sure new poems will come from it and I will share those here. I’m not sure yet how this will go, but it’s a story I need to get out of me. I’ve been writing fan fiction and other things lately, but no poetry, so I haven’t had anything much to share here.

I haven’t been inspired to write poetry, mostly because that place where those words come from has essentially lost its mojo. My poetic spirit has felt blank and hollow these days—a dead fire, ashes flown away like so much ancient dust. <-kinda poetic, huh? Maybe there’s still an ember burning somewhere deep down in there. lol

So, with this difficulty in writing poems happening to me, I’m not sure how active I’ll be here going forward, but I will share when I feel there’s something worth sharing.

I appreciate all of you who follow me and I apologize for not doing much here these days. But, I have to answer my own creative inspirations, whatever they may be.

If you’re at all interested in checking out my fanfics (Dragon Ball, John Carter of Mars, Bleach, and coming soon, X-Men/Wolverine, and more), you can find me here: Pretty Ghoul’s Works via AO3.


I’ve been doing a lot of writing lately. But no poetry. I don’t know if I’ll write poetry much, if at all, anymore. If I do, I’ll have to find a new muse. My inspiration has shifted and I’m just feeling different things lately.

I’ve considered taking this whole thing down. Not sure yet. But if I find I’m just not adding anything to this blog, then it would probably be best to just delete it. The kind of writing I’m doing right now isn’t something I’d ever share here.

Still, who knows. Maybe I’ll find some kind of poetry inside me again eventually. So, for the time being I’ll just let this blog exist here. I’ve had a tiny bit of interest in my work here, which feels nice. I just hate not keeping this blog updated with new content. But if those poetic words aren’t flowing for me, then there won’t be anything I can share. Forcing it when I’m not feeling it, just for content to keep this active, has never worked for me.

I truly appreciate those who have liked or commented on my work. Thank you so much. it means a lot to me!

To Give and Give and Forgive

A poem by KM Taylor

You can give and give and forgive
to be the more generous one
To sacrifice for the other, who gives nothing in return

To give until you feel empty
To give until you feel worthless
To forgive until your heart is dry

And when they think of you
It holds no meaning for them
You feel that you are no one
Insignificant and hollow and cold

To know that there is no future
To accept that you never mattered
To that other person, you never even existed

Just a figment of their imagination
With no heart to hurt, no feelings to break
A placeholder, the concept for a song, an idea of the mind
Flitting away after a mere thought, never returned in kind
And you cannot keep on
Giving and giving and forgiving

To give until you feel worthless
To give until you feel empty
To forgive until your heart is dry

So you must let go
Turn away your heart and free your mind
Stop the cycle and disconnect
You must let it all go, remove the heart and free the soul

For your salvation, for your sanity
For them and for you
You must give it all away, and give it all up
and forgive…

It’s been a while since I’ve written anything. Not coming as easily these days. Took me a month to finish this one. I likely won’t be as proficient as I was there for awhile. Life changes and muses come and go.This one is a little odd, but seems to have an okay flow. It’s inspired by emotionally abusive relationships, which I’ve experienced both personally and witnessing others struggle with. It’s not necessarily about romantic relationships, though it may come over that way. There are so many emotions involved in this and this is just one facet of the mental process of letting go. I hope you like it.

The Disappearing

A Poem by KM Taylor

Souls torn apart to a final end
Break those binding ties
Severed hearts that never begin
Slice the cord that wraps us up tight
Cut away forever, this path that leads to never
This fertile ground, so ripe for creation
of a senseless refrain,
tricks us to elation
It jingles and it jangles,
again and again
This naive intrusion
Results in loveless illusion
I can vanish forever
If you say the word
Disappear and never hear
Disappear and never see
This void in space
This black hole without a place
Outside of his orbit
In stark contrast to love
Do you want it cut?
Switch it off
Every light and every sound?
Every last connection
Each little rejection
Sponge it all away
What do you say?


A Poem by KM Taylor.

Her name is Silhouette
To him, she is an outline
Only a sketch
With no depth
A sketch to entertain
With no dimension
His mark is a shadow
cast inside her
Hovering over her soul
in silence
Drawing out her essence
To fuel his senses
Watching and lurking
Ice in his veins
He made her what she is
A blot of inky darkness
Gifted by him
Spread out to fill her
Her soul, snipped and cut
Bent and curved
Placed in a frame
Linked and bound
by her mistake